What if a person enters a building and is later found to be symptomatic of an illness? Identiv’s Hirsch Velocity Software with Contact Tracing can pull a report of everyone who entered the same door who can then be notified to either get tested or self-quarantine.
While this is useful during the days of COVID-19, it can also be used for other applications, such as seasonal influenza. This means your office can be proactive in responding to potential outbreaks, while simultaneously providing your employees with the peace of mind that there are measures in place to keep them safe.
For people-counting and social-distancing support, our 3VR Real Time Occupancy Dashboard provides up-to-the-moment video intelligence, perfect for small businesses and schools. The at-a-glance public display shows current occupancy and occupancy limit while an easy-to-view traffic signal clearly communicates to customers or visitors when they can enter a facility. The real-time view and analytics eliminate the need to keep personnel at entrances monitoring people coming in and out. It’s configurable for multiple stores or buildings on a single 3VR appliance or video management system (VMS).
Identiv’s Hirsch Velocity Software is an integrated security management system that manages access control and security operations in hundreds of different facilities, from single high secure rooms to multi-building, multi-location campuses. Hirsch Velocity Software provides the security and functionality expected from high-end systems with the ease-of-use found in entry level packages. Velocity delivers stringent security compliance, interoperability, and expansion and flexibility options designed to accommodate the evolution of security technology and meet the needs of even the most complex business, personnel, and facility requirements. Velocity allows administrators and operators to access real-time system information, enrollment, and control functionality through a compatible browser on almost any device. Control doors, gates, turnstiles, elevators, and other equipment, monitor users as they move around a facility, prevent unwanted access, maintain compliance, and provide a robust audit trail. Have you registered your Hirsch Velocity Software?
Upgrade to Hirsch Velocity 3.7 at no additional charge and continue receiving access to our newest features, latest software updates, and world-class technical support by registering your system. Register Here.
To talk to an Absco Solutions account executive about this Velocity with contact tracing contact us at salessupport@abscosolutions.com.